Avui seré molt breu... no puc moure els braços! Després de més d'una hora aixecant ferro l'entreno acabava amb 4 sèries de 40 flexions!!! Mai havia experimentat una fatiga tan brutal als braços. No he pogut acabar l'última sèrie... m'he agut de rendir davant la força de la gravetat que m'empenya amb més força cap a terra que la que tenia jo per aguantar-me dret. L'entrenament es resumeix amb una frase i una imatge:
Esmorzar: compota de pera amb un plàtan i ametlles
Snack: 2 torradetes d'arròs, 1 pruna, 2 mandarines i un plàtan
Dinar: Arròs integral amb llenties i salmó
Snack: cereals de mill i centeno amb llet d'avena
Sopar: 2 torrades de pa negre amb sardinetes en vinagre, ananida amb ous durs i una fruita
MIM Challenge
- Xavi - Kaisa
- Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!
Day 5 - English
I'm tired... Had to stay up until midnight working and up early to train before clients and a full day of 12 hours at the studio awates me (if I can get my legs to move and walk there...).
Today's workout was embarrasing. Thankfully I did it at our studio so no one could see me struggling with butt in the air pushups. I had to recheck my notes to make sure I wasn't mistaken. How can it be chest again when we just did it yesterday?!?! Damn that hurt. Bench was great and I was able to do sets with 40kg which is pretty good for me. That would be about 90lbs. However, after bench and flys (and the chest workout yesterday) my sets (yes plural!) of 40 for pushups were pathetic. I couldn't even do one set all the way through on my KNEES!. And towards the later sets I had to resort to the really pathetic kind of pushups where your ass stays up in the air and you just barely drop your chest down and up. At least then I was able to do an entire set of 40 without stopping... Oh my god I have a long ways to go if I want to be like GI Jane!
Check out Caroline's blog (on the side bar) for a chick who can do ALL sets of the 40s of full pushups! She amazes me. :)
Then came the dredded shoulder sets with cleans & presses, presses, and lat raises. I went up to 35kg (or 75lbs) for the c&p. Also pretty good for me at the end of the workout.
BF1: yogurt, mandarine
BF2 (after workout): rice porridge made with oat milk and 1 egg and 1 egg white; pineapple juice with greens supplement
Snack: walnuts, 2 mandarins
Lunch: Brown rice, salmon, pear puree
Dinner: salad, rye bread with smoked salmon
Today's workout was embarrasing. Thankfully I did it at our studio so no one could see me struggling with butt in the air pushups. I had to recheck my notes to make sure I wasn't mistaken. How can it be chest again when we just did it yesterday?!?! Damn that hurt. Bench was great and I was able to do sets with 40kg which is pretty good for me. That would be about 90lbs. However, after bench and flys (and the chest workout yesterday) my sets (yes plural!) of 40 for pushups were pathetic. I couldn't even do one set all the way through on my KNEES!
Check out Caroline's blog (on the side bar) for a chick who can do ALL sets of the 40s of full pushups! She amazes me. :)
Then came the dredded shoulder sets with cleans & presses, presses, and lat raises. I went up to 35kg (or 75lbs) for the c&p. Also pretty good for me at the end of the workout.
BF1: yogurt, mandarine
BF2 (after workout): rice porridge made with oat milk and 1 egg and 1 egg white; pineapple juice with greens supplement
Snack: walnuts, 2 mandarins
Lunch: Brown rice, salmon, pear puree
Dinner: salad, rye bread with smoked salmon
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