MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 7 - Català

Avui ha estat un dia d'aquells que serveix d'excusa per no entrenar. M'he aixecat a les 7 del matí, a les 9:30 ja era a Barcelona on he estat fent un curs que ha durat fins a les 19:30 de la tarda. He arribat a Banyoles tard i cansat... excusa suficient per a molta gent per no entrenar. Tot i això he anat directament al club i resulta que el dissabte tanca a les 9 i quan hi he arribat ja estaba tancat... una altra excusa per no entrenar. No m'he donat per vençut i he acabat entrenant a fitness integral improvitzant pesos i modificant exercicis ja que no tenia les màquines per fer tots els exercicis.
Jo sempre dic que no tenir temps per entrenar és una excusa molt dolenta, tot depèn de les prioritats que es tenen. Si entrenar i millorar la salut és una prioritat sempre es pot trobar temps per fer alguna cosa.
Jo avui he entrenat de 10 pm a 11 pm tot i estar cansat i amb moltes ganes d'arribar a casa, sopar, dutxar-me i anar-me'n a dormir. Per mi entrenar era una cosa que havia de fer i l'he fet!

Recordeu, no tenir temps per fer una cosa és una excusa de mal pagador... tot depèn de les ganes que tinguis de fer-la :)

Pelvic floor and weight lifting

Ever since I first learned about core conditioning (probably at OSU in the late 90s) it made a lot of sense to me; however, I always thought something was missing. I thought that the "bottom of the core" was getting ignored, at least in the courses I was taking. No one ever said the word vagina or anus in lecture.

So, for the last half of my career I have been delving into this topic and found it a CRUCIAL missing link in MOST exercise programs, especially for women.

What does this have to do with the GI Jane experiment?

Activities that sharply increase intra-abdominal pressure can weaken the pelvic floor (pf). For the last years I have been sticking to low to mid intensity exercise so this hasn't been an issue especially since I do a lot of kegels and hypo-pressive abdominals and my core and pelvic floor are in good shape.

Well, doing all this heavy lifting with the GI Jane training, I notice the pressure. The last time I did this type of training was in the years prior to gaining this level of consciousness of my pf. Now with the better connection to my body I am really noticing this. It is quite incredible! With dead lifts and squats especially I notice the downward pressure on the pf. Before any lifts I always activate the whole core including the pf to protect it, but I can still see how this type of activity over time can wreck havoc on a woman's body! And imagine women who do intense training without a healthy and strong pf!

The solution:
  1. Make sure you have (re)trained your entire core including the pelvic floor before engaging in activities that greatly increase the intra-abdominal pressure (running, weight lifting, golfing, aerobics, tennis, etc.)
  2. If engaging in these activities, be sure to do diaphragmatic suction exercises after the sessions to counteract the heavy-duty downward pressure on the pelvic floor.
So, at the end of each GI Jane workout, I do a minimum of 10 of these hypo-pressure exercises to help out my pelvic floor and avoid problems in the future. Interestingly my hypos are super strong after the training!

Day 7 - Pics and Measurements

Estem tenint problemes amb les fotos. Estem treballant per solucionar-ho.
Perdoneu les molèsties.

We are having trouble uploading the pics. We are working to solve the problem.

Day 7 - English

Woooo Whooooo! I week down! Booowhooo... 3 to go.

Woooo whoooooo I can do 1 1-arm push up. Boo whooo... my body weight is the same.

Woooo whooooo my thighs and ass are smaller and my torso is more defined. Already! Just wait until the end.

Wooo whooo got some extra rest today because yesterday's workout was in the morning and today's in the evening. Booo hooo have to workout again tomorrow morning with only a 1/2 a day of rest.

We had to do some MacGuiver tactics with the workout today. We got to the club and it was closed! Thankfully we own a studio so we had a place to go. Only bummer is we don't have a cage or a squat rack. Picture this... Xavi dead lifts his squat weight, hands it to me standing on a bench, sits down in front of me to take it on this shoulders... He also wore a 20kg weighted vest to make up for some of the difference. Even with this little McGuiver action we got our butts kicked. Xavi hates lunges so he was almost crying during the sets. I love lunges but did my crying during the never ending sets of 40 squat jumps. It was only a total of 24 sets today. The hour felt short. :)

BF: rye porridge made with oat milk, 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1/2 tsp of butter on top. This is my new favorite breakfast. I look forward to it when I go to bed. :)
Lunch: queso fresco, pistaccios, mandarine, raisins (I know I know... not the best lunch)
Snack: kiwi, orange, almonds, green tea
Snack: rice cake with olive pate
Dinner: veggie puree, steamed turkey (gross!), ants on a log (celery with peanutbutter and raisins)