MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 13, 14, 15 - Cap de setmana SPA

Cap de setmana a un súper SPA de luxe! Acabem d’arribar d’un fabulós cap de setmana lluny de Banyoles per desconnectar una mica de l’estrès de la feina i la rutina. Aquesta sortideta era el regal que li vaig fer a la Kaisa per Nada... fins ara no havíem trobat un cap de setmana lliure per poder-ne gaudir!

Divendres em vaig aixecar aviat i vaig entrenar abans d’anar a treballar a l’institut. L’entreno va consistir en unes sèries interminables d’espatlles i d’esquena. Tot i això sembla que el meu cos s’està acostumant a entrenar dur ja que cada vegada tinc menys cruiximents J. Un cop vaig arribar de la feina la Kaisa i jo varem dinar i fer les maletes per marxar ràpidament cap a Ribes on ens esperaven dos dies de relax al Hotel Spa “Resguard dels vents”.

Dissabte varem fer una mica els ronsos abans d’anar a esmorzar. Al restaurant de l’Hotel hi havia un mega súper bufet lliure amb pilons de menjar (pa amb tomàquet i embotits, pastes i pastissos, fruita...). Com que part de l’entrenament és també seguir una dieta sense gluten ni sucre ja us podeu imaginar que varem poder menjar de tots aquells “manjares”, no? Una mica de fruita amb un recuit L. Mai més torno a organitzar una sortida quan estiguem fent la dieta! Després d’esmorzar havíem d’entrenar però... no hi havia gimnàs!!! Com que ja m’ho imaginava, abans de marxar de Banyoles varem agafar unes gomes i unes peses per poder fer l’entrenament i no saltar-nos la feina. Aquí teniu la prova de que no ens varem saltar l’entrenament. Cal dir que hi ha alguna modificació ja que al no haver-hi màquines de peses varem haver de posar-hi imaginació. La tarda va ser un no parar de “jacuzzis”, saunes, dutxes i massatges! Per acabar el dia no podia faltar un sopar romàntic al restaurant de l’hotel amb un sortit de verdures a la brasa amb salsa romesco, una espatlla de xai (xavi) i lluç amb guarnició (Kaisa) i un mousse de iogurt amb gers.

Diumenge varem marxar aviat ja que havíem d’arribar abans que el Club Natació Banyoles tanqués. L’entrenament era de pectoral i espatlles. Li estic agafant una mania a les sèries de pectoral que no us ho podeu ni imaginar... les últimes són les sèries de 40 flexions que et deixen els braços com si fossin de plastilina! Aggghhhh.

Sort que demà tenim el dia de descans!!! L’únic dia de repòs en 28 dies d’entrenament s’ha d’aprofitar.

Weekend at a SPA!

What a fabulous weekend we had away from Banyoles enjoying a well deserved mini break at a Spa. This was Xavi's xmas present for me and it took until March for us to find a free weekend!

Friday's workout was pretty short, just shoulders and back. I had to do the workout at our studio so chin ups were a bit challenging but did them with the help of a giant 1 inch tubing.

Friday after lunch we headed for Ribes, a tiny village in the Pyrennees, for 2 nights at a 4-star spa. Just what we needed at the half-way point of the MIM challenge. Our bodies were feeling sore and tired and we needed a little pick-me-up. :)

Saturday we slept in and had a fabulous breakfast of yogurt made from the cows we could see grazing on the hills from our room windows, and incredibly fresh and juicy fruit. Then we took a little nap and got ready for training. Thankfully Xavi had the mental toughness to make me do the workout. I was already trying to bribe him into skipping the day's beating... We went to a garden, unloaded the Select Tech dumbbells and tubes we had brought with us and got to work. It was sunny and we were next to a flowing river so it wasn't too bad. It did take forever since we had to share weights.

For a long time I have wanted Xavi to give me piggyback rides and he has always refused. This weekend he made up for it! Check out the video for a snapshot of the 10 sets of 10 squats he did with me on his back. :) Wife carrying contest in Finland here we come!

Then we spent 2 relaxing hours at the spa soaking in the tubs, sweating in the sauna and steam room, getting our feet massaged in the relaxing foot path of rocks and water sprays, taking naps on the heated marble slabs, and enjoying the variety of specialty water treatments. And if things couldn't get any better we got massages. Aaaahhh. Perfect for our sore and over trained bodies. After the massages we got pretty and had a delicious Elimination approved 4-star dinner. We had the most amazing grilled vegetables with an almond sauce. These veggies tasted incredible. Yum. Xavi had a half of a lamb and I had fish for the main course. Then it was my turn to keep us on track with the project. Xavi tried to convince me to share a chocolate valcano for dessert... It was really tempting but we're not quitters. Instead we had a super yummy rasberry yogurt mixture. :)

Today (Sunday) we packed up early to make it back to Banyoles before the gym closed. Today's workout was chest, shoulders, and abs. I finally managed a whole set of 40 pushups on my knees... still it was embarrasing but it's getting better.

And guess what?!?!? Tomorrow is a FULL rest day! Sweet! :)