Aquest programa d’entrenament és un infern! Això és la guerraaaaa!!!
Només els més forts sobreviuran!
Per primera vegada en dues setmanes he hagut de dividir l’entrenament en dues parts. L’idea original era fer-lo tot al matí però desprès d’estar-me al gimnàs gairebé dues hores i quedar-me sense forces ni ganes de continuar, he decidit plegar i acabar-lo a la tarda.
Jo que deia que últimament els entrenos em semblaven fàcils... doncs m’he hagut de menjar les meves pròpies paraules amb patates!!!
L’entrenament estava format per supersèries d’espatlles i isquiotibials, un munt de sèries d’esquena, infinitat de supersèries de bíceps i tríceps i si això no era suficient al final un fotiment d’abdominals. Tot i portar aigua, figues seques, dàtils i ametlles per anar menjar i poder recuperar una mica d’energia entre sèrie i sèrie no n’hi ha hagut prou... he de reconèixer que avui l’entreno ha pogut amb mi.
Esmorzar: cereals finlandesos d’aquells raros de la Kaisa amb nous i maduixes
Snack: fruits secs
Dinar: amanida variada amb tonyina, arròs i pollastre, meló
Snack: fruits secs i batut
Sopar: patates i mongetes tendres, peix i pinya natural
MIM Challenge
- Xavi - Kaisa
- Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!
Day 17 - English
The hellish trainings are B.A.C.K!!!!! Today's was so bad that we had to save a part of it for tonight... We spent 2 hours at the gym and didn't even finish the workout! Holy exhaustion. We had to tank up with some banana and figs during the workout because we just ran out of steam.
Today started with my favorites of cleans and presses and straight legged deadlifts. :) And I deadlifted my bodyweight! Finally! Next came back, also a favorite, and I am up to 6 chin ups! Sweet! Well, that was the first set... second set only 3 full ones and the last two sets all were assisted. But I'm making great progress. Then came huge sets of shoulders and hams including my other favorites, the harrup curls. Then it all took a downhill turn... Stinking biceps and triceps... I DISPISE doing biceps. How badly I hate the last sets of 40. Uuuufff. Then we called it quits before attacking core. I will do that tonight before teaching.
I was so tired from this workout that I had to change my class plan because I just didn't have it in me to do a Corepole class. Planned a circuit instead so they got to sweat while I didn't have to move much... :)
BF: rye & oat porridge made with almond milk and egg, mandarine
Snack: banana, figs
Snack: hummus on rye crackers
Lunch: mix veggie salad with shrimp, anxovies, tuna; melon
Snack: corn, walnuts, raisins
Dinner: hummus with rye crackers, a carrot, rice with ground chicken; melon, walnuts and raisins
Today started with my favorites of cleans and presses and straight legged deadlifts. :) And I deadlifted my bodyweight! Finally! Next came back, also a favorite, and I am up to 6 chin ups! Sweet! Well, that was the first set... second set only 3 full ones and the last two sets all were assisted. But I'm making great progress. Then came huge sets of shoulders and hams including my other favorites, the harrup curls. Then it all took a downhill turn... Stinking biceps and triceps... I DISPISE doing biceps. How badly I hate the last sets of 40. Uuuufff. Then we called it quits before attacking core. I will do that tonight before teaching.
I was so tired from this workout that I had to change my class plan because I just didn't have it in me to do a Corepole class. Planned a circuit instead so they got to sweat while I didn't have to move much... :)
BF: rye & oat porridge made with almond milk and egg, mandarine
Snack: banana, figs
Snack: hummus on rye crackers
Lunch: mix veggie salad with shrimp, anxovies, tuna; melon
Snack: corn, walnuts, raisins
Dinner: hummus with rye crackers, a carrot, rice with ground chicken; melon, walnuts and raisins
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