Oh my GOD it's only day 4?!???! That means another 24 days of this hell!
I suppose if I just got to train, eat, sleep, and relax this would be ok. Running a business, creating another business, being a wife, and doing this challenge is a lot. Definitely don't think this would be possible with kids unless they came with a nanny and a maid. :)
Well, it's now or never so I'll work hard this month and reap the benefits later. Once the goal is achieved, maintaining is much easier.
Slept crappy due to all the soreness. Woke up everytime I changed position because it hurts to move. Every muscle I own is sore. And I've never done "planned overtraining" training. I usually don't go to town on a muscle group if it's still sore from the previous workout. Well, with this program, that is the point. It better work because it's bloody painful!
Today was an "easy" day so the workout took "only" an hour and included bis, tris, and hams. We messed up in writing down the workout and did more work than was intended... Hams were on FIRE. Harrup curls rock in general, but suck when done in never ending supersets with 2 other ham exercises. Uuuffff. I think my moaning and groaning is starting to bother the other gym users. :S
BF: rye bread (the real kind from Finland!) with butter, natural yogurt with pear puree and berry sauce
Snack: banana, almonds
Lunch: carrot-onion-lentil puree, chicken breast, pinapple juice with a greens supplement
Snack: rice cakes with almond butter and agave, mandarine
Dinner: salad with chicken, avocado, rukula, cucumber, olives, pear, seeds, bell pepper; apple sauce with berry puree
Results so far:
Weight is up a half a kilo. Start measures were done around 11am where as now we're doing remeasures and pictures in the evenings so that half kilo is probably an actual loss of a half kilo.
Measures keep changing but in general shoulders, biceps, and calves (iik!) are bigger while hips, thighs, and chest (double iiik!) are getting smaller. Waist and ab are still more of less the same. Ideally I would like shoulders, biceps, and chest (a girl can dream) bigger and thighs, calves, hips, and ab smaller. A visible sixpack without flexing would be great. :) So, I need to drop at least 3-4% body fat while gaining some muscle.
What do you think, can I do it in 28 days?