MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


FAQ English

People keep asking me why I'm doing this. Yes, it does seem a bit extreme and superficial. And it is. Mostly I am doing this to see if I can. I'm curious to see what will happen with my physique if I train hard. No, I don't think I'm fat and need to lose weight. No, I don't have an eating disorder or body morphic disorder. I'm content with my body and size but I'm curious. I want to experience serious training for a specific goal and being trained by someone else. And it is a great project to share with Xavi. Nothing like suffering together in the gym to strengthen our marriage. :)

The other comment I get is: "That can't be healthy."

There is some truth to that. For a person whose body is not prepared for this kind of training, this would be dangerous and unhealthy. For us as we are already in good shape, have taken the time to do corrective exercises, and have good technique, this training is harsh on the body but the body can adapt to the intensity. It's not really the training that is the issue, it's the regeneration and recovery. This intense training paired with clean nutrition and rest is ok for the body. Since it is planned overtraining, we are only doing 28 days. If not paired with good nutrition and appropriate recovery techniques, this training could lead to problems.

So, this is not necessary for health but nor is it unhealthy if done properly. The body can withstand a lot and it is good to push your limits occasionally.

The last question we are getting is: "Will you do this with your clients?"

The training we do with clients is personalized. Each client is assessed and trainings are based on this kinetic chain assessment, the person's goals, experience, health history, time availability, other current/past activities, and desires. So, we might use some methods from this program with a more advanced hypertrophy desiring client with no injuries and who has already completed his/her corrective exercise phase. Handing over a predone program really isn't personal training so that is not what we do. At the end of this experiment, if we like what we've done, we will recommend the program for those who want to train on their own and fit the prereqs.

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