MIM Challenge

My photo
Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 1: Pics and Measurements


Weight: 76,5 kg
Shoulders: 118.5 cm
Chest: 95.5 cm
Waist (navel): 83.5 cm
Hips (glutes): 96 cm
Bíceps: 34.5 (R), 34.5 (L)
Gluteal fold: 59 (R), 58.2 (L)
Thigh: 57 (R), 57 (L)
Calf: 34.5 (R), 35 (L)


Weight: 60.6 kg
Shoulders: 96 cm
Chest: 84.5 cm
Waist (navel): 75 cm
Hips (glutes): 93.75 cm
Bíceps: 26.5 (R), 26.75 (L)
Gluteal fold: 56.5 (R), 57.5 (L)
Thigh: 55 (R), 54.5 (L)
Calf: 37 (R), 37 (L)

Dia 1- Català

Avui la Kaisa I jo hem començat el compte enrere, tenim 28 dies per millorar els nostres cossos. Com? Sotmetent-los a entrenaments intensos i seguint una dieta extremadament saludable sense productes refinats, ni gluten i sense sucre!!! Aquest petits sacrificis ens han de permetre eliminar greix i estimular el creixement muscular. Estem segurs que tot aquest patiment valdrà la pena.Ara us podeu preguntar... què els hi ha picat per fer això? Doncs, la veritat és que estem participant en un projecte d’un dels millors entrenadors personals del Regne Unit, Dax Moy, que vol comercialitzar el seu sistema d’entrenament i necessita gent que faci els seus entrenaments per demostrar que funciona. Vosaltres sereu els testimonis de la nostra transformació i podreu jutjar si aquest programa d’entrenament intensiu funciona.

L’entrenament d’avui, tot i estar acostumats a fer exercici regularment, ens ha deixat fets caldo. No podem revelar els detalls dels entrenaments però us podem dir que hem maxacat pectoral, dorsals, lumbars, isquiotibials i abdominals. La kaisa ha tardat uns 65 minuts i jo uns 85 minuts (ja que he fet servir pesos més alts i necessitava una mica més de recuperació que ella). Un cop hem acabat ens hem hagut d’ajudar un a l’altre per baixar les escales i obrir la porta del cotxe!Després de l’entrenament hem anat a dinar a casa la meva mare, celebràvem l’aniversari de la Kaisa. Quan ha arribat el moment d’obrir els regals a la Kaisa encara li tremolaven els braços.

Ara només pensem a anar a dormir aviat i poder-nos recuperar per poder-hi tornar demà. Uffff!!!

Day 1 - English

GI Jane Experiment has started!

Today Xavi and I got sweating toward our new and improved bodies.

We are guineapigs for Dax Moy's "Muscle in a Month" program with a goal of increasing lean mass and decreasing fat %. It is a super intense 28 day program based on a principle of planned overtraining. We will be finishing grueling workouts daily, following his Elimination Diet, and paying special attention to recovery and regeneration strategies.

Did starting measurements and the dreaded before pictures. Pasty white... And how can I have bigger calves than Xavi!? I'm hoping to lose some fat from there in these 28 days.

Today's workout was a definite shock to the body. For the last year or two I have been following a maintenance plan of twice a week full body circuits that lasted less than an hour. Xavi has been doing 3 times per week hypertrophy for the last half a year.

The actual workouts are top secret but I can disclose that we hit chest, back, hams, and core and did what seemed like an endless series of supersets. It was exhausting! We did a full 15 min warmup of activation exercises to prepare and then the actual workout took me 65 min (Xavi spent 85min) plus another 15min of recovery exercises. Haven't workout that long in a gym for a while! At the end even my eyelids were trembling.

Then we went to my birthday lunch with Xavi's family and his darling mom made an Elimination Diet approved 5 course meal. I was so wiped out from the workout that pouring water was difficult...

Today's diet:
Bfast: natural yogurt, banana, pineapple, kiwi
Lunch: Course 1: salad, cooked eggplant, onion, red bellpepper, goat cheese
Course 2: brown rice, chicken, veggies all in a delicious paella style dish
Course 3: papaya
Course 4: "cheese cake" made with "fresh" cheese (low fat), corn meal, and agave
Course 5: green tea
Snack: rye crackers and home made hummus
Dinner: quinoa, peas, red bell pepper, tuna, homemade apple sauce for dessert

Going to bed early to aid recovery. :)