MIM Challenge
- Xavi - Kaisa
- Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!
Day 23 - Català
Avui l'entrenament ha estat curtet... nomès 1 hora! Ara els entrenos de menys de dos hores em semblen curt! Mare de Déu a on hem anat a parar... Hem treballat una combinació de cames i abdominals. He d'admetre que treballar cames m'agradava però amb aquest entrenament les estic avorrint. Els exercicis em són molt durs, fer squats, lunges i acabar amb 40 repeticions de salts em deixen les cames de xiclet. Fins i tot un cop estirat a terra fent els abdominals les he hagut d'estirar de la cremor que sentia... auch! Només de pensar-hi em tornen a fer mal.
Day 23 - Muscle in a Month
Day 23 already!? Wow, suddenly it feels like this month has gone by fast. :)
For those of you who are reading for the first time, I'll do a little recap of the torture.
Xavi and I are participating in a 28 day challenge to build muscle and lose fat designed by the leading personal trainer in England, Dax Moy. It is a super intense program he uses to get moviestars in fabulous shape extremely fast. Now he is making an online version of this program and asked us to be his guineapigs (we must provide him with pictures and write in this blog every day).
Well, it's working! So far I've dropped 2.5% body fat from 20% to 17.5%. My weight is up a half a kilo so I've build 2kg of muscle and dropped 1.5kg of fat.
The program consists of heavy duty weight training with the intention of OVERtraining. It's called "planned overtraining". The idea being that your body can handle it for 28 days without going into a breakdown mode. This means that we are paying a lot of attention to our diet (whole foods, no supplements, no processed food, no gluten, no milk products except for live yogurt, no sugar, no toxins like alcohol and caffeine) and rest.
Now we are down to just 5 more workouts before a whole week off training for supercompensation. We are suppose to see big gains in the rest week when the body finally has an opportunity to truly recover.
Today's workout seemed short, just squats, lunges, and squat jumps all supersetted with core exercises. We are also allowed this week to add some HIIT (high intensity interval training) so i did 5 rounds of boxing and running for 30 seconds work and 60 seconds rest. It was kind of fun in a sick way. I was able to do all squat jumps without resting which was totally impossible when we started this training. They even seemed kind of easy so I did them all down to touching a bench and jumped a little higher too.
BF: keifir with rye flakes, home made applesauce, flax seeds
Snack: 2 mandarines with a handful of mixed natural nuts
Lunch: oven fish with onion, tomato, and a half a potato
Dinner: lentils and quinoa, fish filet
For those of you who are reading for the first time, I'll do a little recap of the torture.
Xavi and I are participating in a 28 day challenge to build muscle and lose fat designed by the leading personal trainer in England, Dax Moy. It is a super intense program he uses to get moviestars in fabulous shape extremely fast. Now he is making an online version of this program and asked us to be his guineapigs (we must provide him with pictures and write in this blog every day).
Well, it's working! So far I've dropped 2.5% body fat from 20% to 17.5%. My weight is up a half a kilo so I've build 2kg of muscle and dropped 1.5kg of fat.
The program consists of heavy duty weight training with the intention of OVERtraining. It's called "planned overtraining". The idea being that your body can handle it for 28 days without going into a breakdown mode. This means that we are paying a lot of attention to our diet (whole foods, no supplements, no processed food, no gluten, no milk products except for live yogurt, no sugar, no toxins like alcohol and caffeine) and rest.
Now we are down to just 5 more workouts before a whole week off training for supercompensation. We are suppose to see big gains in the rest week when the body finally has an opportunity to truly recover.
Today's workout seemed short, just squats, lunges, and squat jumps all supersetted with core exercises. We are also allowed this week to add some HIIT (high intensity interval training) so i did 5 rounds of boxing and running for 30 seconds work and 60 seconds rest. It was kind of fun in a sick way. I was able to do all squat jumps without resting which was totally impossible when we started this training. They even seemed kind of easy so I did them all down to touching a bench and jumped a little higher too.
BF: keifir with rye flakes, home made applesauce, flax seeds
Snack: 2 mandarines with a handful of mixed natural nuts
Lunch: oven fish with onion, tomato, and a half a potato
Dinner: lentils and quinoa, fish filet
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