Un descans inesperat! Avui no hi ha hagut entrenament....
Un dia ens maxaca fins a rebentar i el següent ens deixa respirar. Aquesta tècnica a Guantànamo es deia esfixiament simulat i es considerava tortura!
Bé, a preparar-nos per la tempesta de demà... Si vull acabar l'entrenament que hi ha programat hauré d'anar al culb directament des de la feina i sense dinar. Uffff, que Déu ens agafi confesats.
Vinga, cap a fer nones que demà s'acosta una tempesta! :s
Esmorzar: Iogurt amb plàtan i maduixes
Snack: batut i fruits secs
Dinar: Arròs amb pollastre a l'ast
Snack: mandarina, fruts secs
Sopar: amanida variada amb pollastre
MIM Challenge
- Xavi - Kaisa
- Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!
Day 18 - English
What?!?!? Another rest day? Strange. He did tell us that there will be no more rest days for the reminder of the 28 day program...
Did a nice walk around the lake to get some blood flow and increase mobility to my sore body.
Now for the last 10 days I need to actually diet. The horror! It's been a long time since I have dieted, as in purposefully decreased calories. The diet on this program just specifies that we can't eat processed food, gluten, lactics (except for fermented stuff like yogurts), sugar, alcohol, or caffeine. This is pretty easy for me because I generally avoid this stuff anyway. In my normal life I might eat from these groups 3 or 4 times so cutting them out wasn't too difficult. Now, I actually have to watch the amounts I eat too... Sucky. I will be controlling more the portions of nuts and eliminate dried fruits. I will also decrease sligthly the portions of carbs (rice, potatoes, etc). Let's see if this will help bring out my 6-pack! Currently it's a 4-pack and only visible when flexing...
And I have already chosen my next challenge for when MIM ends. We will first do a 1 week recovery week and then I will start a 12 week conditioning program also designed by a personal trainer friend from London. More on that in the days to come!
BF: yogurt
BF 2 (after 8km walk): rye bread with butter and salmon
Lunch: chicken breast, pineapple, strawberries, queso fresco
Dinner: salad with a variety of veggies, strawberries, chicken breast
Did a nice walk around the lake to get some blood flow and increase mobility to my sore body.
Now for the last 10 days I need to actually diet. The horror! It's been a long time since I have dieted, as in purposefully decreased calories. The diet on this program just specifies that we can't eat processed food, gluten, lactics (except for fermented stuff like yogurts), sugar, alcohol, or caffeine. This is pretty easy for me because I generally avoid this stuff anyway. In my normal life I might eat from these groups 3 or 4 times so cutting them out wasn't too difficult. Now, I actually have to watch the amounts I eat too... Sucky. I will be controlling more the portions of nuts and eliminate dried fruits. I will also decrease sligthly the portions of carbs (rice, potatoes, etc). Let's see if this will help bring out my 6-pack! Currently it's a 4-pack and only visible when flexing...
And I have already chosen my next challenge for when MIM ends. We will first do a 1 week recovery week and then I will start a 12 week conditioning program also designed by a personal trainer friend from London. More on that in the days to come!
BF: yogurt
BF 2 (after 8km walk): rye bread with butter and salmon
Lunch: chicken breast, pineapple, strawberries, queso fresco
Dinner: salad with a variety of veggies, strawberries, chicken breast
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