MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 3 - English


I am suuuuper tired from today's workout.

Thankfully Xavi was there to motivate me. At one point he did tell me that if I didn't put some more weight on the bar I shouldn't be wearing a shirt with a Fitness Integral logo... He was right, I was able to lift more and finished the set with 4 more kilos.

The workout was incredibly brutal. The hardest workout I have probably ever done. I think my arms doubled in size from being so pumpped up. I was able to do some full chinups which made me proud. Still no where near full sets of chin ups. If I want to be like GI Jane, I better improve my pullups and learn how to do 1 arm pushups. :)

We did superset of legs which included squats, lunges, and squatjumps. Auch! Today also included a total of 10x10 for bench press split into different super sets with back.

This program is the first time I have done windmills. I like them. :) Started first day with 6kg to get the technique down and today did sets with 14kg. Cool.

Later I had a hard time demonstrating exercises for a circuit group. Tomorrow I'm not sure I will be able to move. Had to use the elevator today too...

BF: rye porridge, apple sauce, walnuts, greens supplement
Snack: walnuts, 2 mandarins, 1/2 apple
Lunch: salad with avocado, sardines, cucumber, tomato, olives, 1 egg; panga fish
Snack: oat milk with bambu
Dinner: salad, gluten free pasta with tuna

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