MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 26 - Muscle in a Month

The last of the difficult Thursdays is almost done! Thursdays my schedule is not very long workout friendly and I despise getting up early just to workout when I'm already a bit worn out from the week. Well, despite all my grumbling this morning, I dragged off to our studio, alone, for a workout. I am SO much less motivated alone there. I must be a bit vain and get motivated by other people in the gym.

Since I grumbled too long in the morning, I didn't have enough time to finish the whole workout... and must stay after the last class tonight at 9:30 to finish... Uuuffff. Thankfully I only have about 20 min left.

today's workout is hamstrings, bis, and tris. I liked the ham supersets of straight legged dead lifts (lifting 60kgs!), harrup curls (still suck at these), and swiss ball ham curls (no problems doing all 4 sets of 40s with no rest). Probably one of the reasons I couldn't get motivated this morning was because I knew part of the workout were the multiple sets of 40 repetitions of bicep curls that I just HATE. Good news is tonight when I'm done with them I NEVER have to do them again. :)

Here are the results up till now:
Weight: up 1kg
Body fat: down 2%
Shoulders up 3.5cm!!!
Chest up 1.5cm YES! Grandma was right. :)
Waist down 1cm
Hips down .75cm
Gluteal folds up up .5cm and the other down .5cm (at least now I'm even!)
Thighs down 2.5cm each
Calves up .5cm each (DAMN, the last thing I need are bigger calves!)
Biceps up .5 and .75cm unflexed. Too bad we didn't measure them flexed because they are HUGE now.

BF: yogurt and hazelnuts
BF: (after workout) yogurt with brewer's yeast, goji fruits, pear, hazelnuts
Snack: walnuts and a mandarin
Lunch: rye bread with smoked salmon
Snack: 1 cup of gaspatxo soup (cold veggie soup), rice cakes with tahini and banana and a little agave (super delicious!)
Snack: 1/2 lara bar
Dinner: salad with tuna, rice cake with tahini and banana

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