MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 8 - English

I could eat a horse. I am hungry all the time with this training.

Today's workout was super long and got pretty boring. We spent 2 hours at the gym. That is way too long. Our pecs, shoulders, tris, bis, and hams got destroyed and I have decided that I abhor working biceps. I would rather do pushups and squat jumps and cleans and presses all day than these monster sets for biceps.

Today was also the public humiliation day. I had to resort to the pathetic butt in the air kind of pushups at the end of the 4x40 sets. To my defense, we had already done bench and flys... Thankfully by the end when I was almost crying with the 1kg dumbbells for shoulder flys the gym was pretty empty so the public humiliation factor was lower. And thankfully the 1kg DBs are not pink and Xavi was next to me with the 2kg DBs so I didn't feel so bad. It looks even funnier when a muscular man like him is huffin' and puffin' trying to lift 2kgs. :)

BF: mandarine, my favorite porridge (today a mix of rye and oat) made with oat milk and 1 egg white. Served with a 1/2 teaspoon of butter and a sprinkle of salt. Delicious!
Snack: rice cake with fig paste
Lunch: rice cake, pumpkin soup with a few shrimp, lentils, dessert of natural yogurt with berries and tea
Snack: rice cake with olive paste, rice cake with peanut butter and raisins (yummy!), fresh squeezed OJ
Dinner: huge salad with avocado, shrimp, red and yellow bell peppers, tomato, cucumber, pear, olives; chicken with onions, mushrooms, and tomato.

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