MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 2 - English

Woke up with a slight sore throat. Hhmmm... Downed some vits, did a sinus "bath", and took a homeopathic cold remedy. Plan on keeping this bug from taking over.

Definitely have some soreness today. I'm usually a 2nd day DOMS girl.

BF: 2x natural yogurt, applesauce (home made), oats, brewer's yeast, walnuts
Lunch: carrot, onion, pink lentil soup, brown rice, panga fish, kiwi
Snack: pistaccios, queso fresco + agave, veggie/fruit juice
Dinner: hummus on rye cracker, carrot-onion-lentil soup, panga fish

The workout wasn't too bad compared to yesterday's and compared to tomorrows! Just shoulders and arms. I must say typing this is a bit difficult... Part of the workout were a total of 100 bicep curls as part of supersets... I'm already feeling those.

Tomorrow's workout looks like HELL! Lots of legs and I think it will take at least 90min...

Going to bed. This program is leaving me super tired.

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