MIM Challenge

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Millorar el teu cos i la teva salut és qüestió de planificar bé el treball, ser constant en els entrenaments, menjar saludable i tenir una gran il.lusió per aconseguir els objectius que t'has proposats. Si encara no creus que això sigui possible segueix la nostra transformació en tan sols 28 dies!


Day 7 - Català

Avui ha estat un dia d'aquells que serveix d'excusa per no entrenar. M'he aixecat a les 7 del matí, a les 9:30 ja era a Barcelona on he estat fent un curs que ha durat fins a les 19:30 de la tarda. He arribat a Banyoles tard i cansat... excusa suficient per a molta gent per no entrenar. Tot i això he anat directament al club i resulta que el dissabte tanca a les 9 i quan hi he arribat ja estaba tancat... una altra excusa per no entrenar. No m'he donat per vençut i he acabat entrenant a fitness integral improvitzant pesos i modificant exercicis ja que no tenia les màquines per fer tots els exercicis.
Jo sempre dic que no tenir temps per entrenar és una excusa molt dolenta, tot depèn de les prioritats que es tenen. Si entrenar i millorar la salut és una prioritat sempre es pot trobar temps per fer alguna cosa.
Jo avui he entrenat de 10 pm a 11 pm tot i estar cansat i amb moltes ganes d'arribar a casa, sopar, dutxar-me i anar-me'n a dormir. Per mi entrenar era una cosa que havia de fer i l'he fet!

Recordeu, no tenir temps per fer una cosa és una excusa de mal pagador... tot depèn de les ganes que tinguis de fer-la :)

Pelvic floor and weight lifting

Ever since I first learned about core conditioning (probably at OSU in the late 90s) it made a lot of sense to me; however, I always thought something was missing. I thought that the "bottom of the core" was getting ignored, at least in the courses I was taking. No one ever said the word vagina or anus in lecture.

So, for the last half of my career I have been delving into this topic and found it a CRUCIAL missing link in MOST exercise programs, especially for women.

What does this have to do with the GI Jane experiment?

Activities that sharply increase intra-abdominal pressure can weaken the pelvic floor (pf). For the last years I have been sticking to low to mid intensity exercise so this hasn't been an issue especially since I do a lot of kegels and hypo-pressive abdominals and my core and pelvic floor are in good shape.

Well, doing all this heavy lifting with the GI Jane training, I notice the pressure. The last time I did this type of training was in the years prior to gaining this level of consciousness of my pf. Now with the better connection to my body I am really noticing this. It is quite incredible! With dead lifts and squats especially I notice the downward pressure on the pf. Before any lifts I always activate the whole core including the pf to protect it, but I can still see how this type of activity over time can wreck havoc on a woman's body! And imagine women who do intense training without a healthy and strong pf!

The solution:
  1. Make sure you have (re)trained your entire core including the pelvic floor before engaging in activities that greatly increase the intra-abdominal pressure (running, weight lifting, golfing, aerobics, tennis, etc.)
  2. If engaging in these activities, be sure to do diaphragmatic suction exercises after the sessions to counteract the heavy-duty downward pressure on the pelvic floor.
So, at the end of each GI Jane workout, I do a minimum of 10 of these hypo-pressure exercises to help out my pelvic floor and avoid problems in the future. Interestingly my hypos are super strong after the training!

Day 7 - Pics and Measurements

Estem tenint problemes amb les fotos. Estem treballant per solucionar-ho.
Perdoneu les molèsties.

We are having trouble uploading the pics. We are working to solve the problem.

Day 7 - English

Woooo Whooooo! I week down! Booowhooo... 3 to go.

Woooo whoooooo I can do 1 1-arm push up. Boo whooo... my body weight is the same.

Woooo whooooo my thighs and ass are smaller and my torso is more defined. Already! Just wait until the end.

Wooo whooo got some extra rest today because yesterday's workout was in the morning and today's in the evening. Booo hooo have to workout again tomorrow morning with only a 1/2 a day of rest.

We had to do some MacGuiver tactics with the workout today. We got to the club and it was closed! Thankfully we own a studio so we had a place to go. Only bummer is we don't have a cage or a squat rack. Picture this... Xavi dead lifts his squat weight, hands it to me standing on a bench, sits down in front of me to take it on this shoulders... He also wore a 20kg weighted vest to make up for some of the difference. Even with this little McGuiver action we got our butts kicked. Xavi hates lunges so he was almost crying during the sets. I love lunges but did my crying during the never ending sets of 40 squat jumps. It was only a total of 24 sets today. The hour felt short. :)

BF: rye porridge made with oat milk, 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1/2 tsp of butter on top. This is my new favorite breakfast. I look forward to it when I go to bed. :)
Lunch: queso fresco, pistaccios, mandarine, raisins (I know I know... not the best lunch)
Snack: kiwi, orange, almonds, green tea
Snack: rice cake with olive pate
Dinner: veggie puree, steamed turkey (gross!), ants on a log (celery with peanutbutter and raisins)


Day 6 - Pics and Measurements



Day 6 - Català

Avui tenia un dia molt atapeït per això he anat a entrenar a primera hora del matí. Per ser sincer he de confessar que sóc un home amb un bioritme de tardes. M’ha costat molt despertar-me, suposo perquè encara estava força cansat dels entrenaments dels dies anteriors. Pel què fa a dolors musculars i cruiximents vaig força bé, em sorprèn la capacitat de regeneració del cos. Tot i això avui em feia una mica de mal l’espatlla esquerra :s
L’entrenament ha estat força llarg, aproximadament 1h 30 minuts. Hem maxacat lumbars, dorsal, bíceps i tríceps. Les últimes sèries de braços eren eternes... més de 40 repeticions per sèrie, al final tenies la sensació que la bola explotaria! Al final la màniga de la samarreta m’apretava tant que em tallava la circulació dels dits de les mans, je, je, je...
Si no us ho creieu... mireu la foto que m’he fet ;)

Per cert, voleu un consell per recuperar-vos dels entrenaments més ràpidament... doncs el meu secret són les dutxes fredes. Quan acabo els entrenaments em dutxo durant uns 3-4 minuts amb aigua freda i la veritat és que un cop acabes et sents recuperat i amb energies renovades :)


Esmorzar: compota de pera amb plàtan i avellanes
Snack: batut de fruites
Dinar: patata i mongeta tendra, pavo a la planxa i 2 mandarines
Sopar: macarrons sense gluten amb tonyina, puré de verdures i 1 kiwi

Day 6 - English

I had to rest my elbows on the shower wall to be able to wash my hair. My shoulders were not being team players.

This is starting to feel like a broken record. Every workout seems worse than the previous one. Today was back, bis, and tris. We did a record of 48 sets! It took 1.5 hours of solid weight lifting. At the end I had to sit down because I was gonna passout.

Did deadlift with my body weight!! :) I'm so proud of that. Tried pullovers and decided I prefered the other option which was straight arm pulldowns.

At the end we had done 266 reps of biceps! Mine were bulging and tight and Xavi said we should stop by the pharmacy for some stretchmark cream that preggers use on their bellies (although they don't work). :) Now I better start leaning out or I'll be huge and bigger than when we started...

BF: yogurt, kiwi
BF2 (after workout): rye porridge make with 1 egg white and oat milk, butter. (it was soooo delicious!)
Snack: 2 rice cakes
Lunch: steamed veggies (potato, carrot, green beans, onion), turkey breast, pineapple juice
Dinner: veggie puree (pumpkin, onion, carrot, green bellpepper, natural yogurt with berry puree


Day 5 - Català

Avui seré molt breu... no puc moure els braços! Després de més d'una hora aixecant ferro l'entreno acabava amb 4 sèries de 40 flexions!!! Mai havia experimentat una fatiga tan brutal als braços. No he pogut acabar l'última sèrie... m'he agut de rendir davant la força de la gravetat que m'empenya amb més força cap a terra que la que tenia jo per aguantar-me dret. L'entrenament es resumeix amb una frase i una imatge:



Esmorzar: compota de pera amb un plàtan i ametlles
Snack: 2 torradetes d'arròs, 1 pruna, 2 mandarines i un plàtan
Dinar: Arròs integral amb llenties i salmó
Snack: cereals de mill i centeno amb llet d'avena
Sopar: 2 torrades de pa negre amb sardinetes en vinagre, ananida amb ous durs i una fruita

Day 5 - English

I'm tired... Had to stay up until midnight working and up early to train before clients and a full day of 12 hours at the studio awates me (if I can get my legs to move and walk there...).

Today's workout was embarrasing. Thankfully I did it at our studio so no one could see me struggling with butt in the air pushups. I had to recheck my notes to make sure I wasn't mistaken. How can it be chest again when we just did it yesterday?!?! Damn that hurt. Bench was great and I was able to do sets with 40kg which is pretty good for me. That would be about 90lbs. However, after bench and flys (and the chest workout yesterday) my sets (yes plural!) of 40 for pushups were pathetic. I couldn't even do one set all the way through on my KNEES! . And towards the later sets I had to resort to the really pathetic kind of pushups where your ass stays up in the air and you just barely drop your chest down and up. At least then I was able to do an entire set of 40 without stopping... Oh my god I have a long ways to go if I want to be like GI Jane!

Check out Caroline's blog (on the side bar) for a chick who can do ALL sets of the 40s of full pushups! She amazes me. :)

Then came the dredded shoulder sets with cleans & presses, presses, and lat raises. I went up to 35kg (or 75lbs) for the c&p. Also pretty good for me at the end of the workout.

BF1: yogurt, mandarine
BF2 (after workout): rice porridge made with oat milk and 1 egg and 1 egg white; pineapple juice with greens supplement
Snack: walnuts, 2 mandarins
Lunch: Brown rice, salmon, pear puree
Dinner: salad, rye bread with smoked salmon


Day 4 - Pics and Measurements


Weight: 76 kg (- 0.5 kg)
Shoulders: 118.5 cm
Chest: 98 cm (+ 2,5 cm)
Waist (navel): 83.5 cm (+ 1 cm)
Hips (glutes): 96 cm
Bíceps: 34.5 (R)
34.5 (L)
Gluteal fold: 58.5 (R) (-0.5 cm)
57.2 (L) (-1 cm)
Thigh: 57.5 (R) (+ 0.5 cm)
58 (L) (+ 1 cm)
Calf: 35 (R) (+0.5 cm)
35 (L)

Posing like the pros? Thong included :)


Weight: 60.8 kg (-600 gr)
Shoulders: 98 cm (+ 2 cm)
Chest: 83.5 cm (- 1 cm)
Waist (navel): 75 cm
Hips (glutes): 93 cm (- 0.5 cm)
Bíceps: 27 (R) (+ 0.5 cm)
27 (L) (+ 0.5 cm)
Gluteal fold: 58 (R)
57.5 (L)
Thigh: 54 (R) (- 1 cm)
54 (L) (- 0.5 cm)
Calf: 38 (R) (+ 1 cm)
37.5 (L) (+0.5 cm)

Day 4 - Català

Avui, seguint la tònica dels últims 3 dies, m’he aixecat cruixit de dalt a baix. La primera cosa que m’ha passat pel cap quan m’he aixecat i he vist que gairebé no podia ni seure a la tassa del lavabo ha estat que avui no podria entrenar.

Els que em coneixen saben que sóc molt tossut i desprès d’esmorzar he anat cap al gimnàs, amb la mentalitat de fer el què pogués. Arribar fins al club i pujar les escales fins a la sala de peses ha estat tot una epopeia. Però no m’he donat per vençut, he pujat a la bicicleta estàtica i he començat a escalfar... amb una pedalada dolorosa darrera l’altra he començat a suar una mica. Un cop he acabat l’escalfament i els exercicis de preparació he posat els pesos a la barra, avui tocava bíceps, tríceps i cames. Amb tot l’optimisme del món he aixecat la barra... Gran sorpresa quan de mica en mica he anat fent totes les sèries que tocaven, i fins i tot amb més pes que el primer dia! M'he sentit com el "pu... rei del gimnàs".He quedat sorprès de la capacitat d’adaptació i regeneració que té el cos humà. Quan el cap em deia que avui no podria un cop m’hi he posat el cos a respost molt millor del què m’esperava.

Això m’ha fet pensar ja que moltes vegades ens donem per vençuts abans de començar i no provem les coses perquè no confiem en nosaltres mateixos. Avui el cos m’ha tornat a recordar que no hi ha coses impossibles i que si volem fer una cosa només ens hi hem de posar,pot costar més o menys però ho aconseguirem.
He d’admetre que ara mentre estic escrivint això em tornen a fer mal tots i cadascun dels músculs del meu cos. Tot i això ara m’ho agafo diferent, ara veig el dolor com el senyal que em recorda que el meu cos s’està adaptant. És el preu del canvi cap a un nou i millor jo :)


Esmorzar: Mató amb compota de pera, un plàtan i un grapat d’ametlles.
Snack: batut de fruites
Dinar: puré de verdures, macarrons sense gluten amb tonyina, 2 mandarines
Snack: iogurt natural amb compota de fruits vermells, cereals de mill i centeno, i una torradeta d’arròs.
Sopar: amanida d'arròs i pollastre

FAQ English

People keep asking me why I'm doing this. Yes, it does seem a bit extreme and superficial. And it is. Mostly I am doing this to see if I can. I'm curious to see what will happen with my physique if I train hard. No, I don't think I'm fat and need to lose weight. No, I don't have an eating disorder or body morphic disorder. I'm content with my body and size but I'm curious. I want to experience serious training for a specific goal and being trained by someone else. And it is a great project to share with Xavi. Nothing like suffering together in the gym to strengthen our marriage. :)

The other comment I get is: "That can't be healthy."

There is some truth to that. For a person whose body is not prepared for this kind of training, this would be dangerous and unhealthy. For us as we are already in good shape, have taken the time to do corrective exercises, and have good technique, this training is harsh on the body but the body can adapt to the intensity. It's not really the training that is the issue, it's the regeneration and recovery. This intense training paired with clean nutrition and rest is ok for the body. Since it is planned overtraining, we are only doing 28 days. If not paired with good nutrition and appropriate recovery techniques, this training could lead to problems.

So, this is not necessary for health but nor is it unhealthy if done properly. The body can withstand a lot and it is good to push your limits occasionally.

The last question we are getting is: "Will you do this with your clients?"

The training we do with clients is personalized. Each client is assessed and trainings are based on this kinetic chain assessment, the person's goals, experience, health history, time availability, other current/past activities, and desires. So, we might use some methods from this program with a more advanced hypertrophy desiring client with no injuries and who has already completed his/her corrective exercise phase. Handing over a predone program really isn't personal training so that is not what we do. At the end of this experiment, if we like what we've done, we will recommend the program for those who want to train on their own and fit the prereqs.

Day 4 - English

Oh my GOD it's only day 4?!???! That means another 24 days of this hell!

I suppose if I just got to train, eat, sleep, and relax this would be ok. Running a business, creating another business, being a wife, and doing this challenge is a lot. Definitely don't think this would be possible with kids unless they came with a nanny and a maid. :)

Well, it's now or never so I'll work hard this month and reap the benefits later. Once the goal is achieved, maintaining is much easier.

Slept crappy due to all the soreness. Woke up everytime I changed position because it hurts to move. Every muscle I own is sore. And I've never done "planned overtraining" training. I usually don't go to town on a muscle group if it's still sore from the previous workout. Well, with this program, that is the point. It better work because it's bloody painful!

Today was an "easy" day so the workout took "only" an hour and included bis, tris, and hams. We messed up in writing down the workout and did more work than was intended... Hams were on FIRE. Harrup curls rock in general, but suck when done in never ending supersets with 2 other ham exercises. Uuuffff. I think my moaning and groaning is starting to bother the other gym users. :S

BF: rye bread (the real kind from Finland!) with butter, natural yogurt with pear puree and berry sauce
Snack: banana, almonds
Lunch: carrot-onion-lentil puree, chicken breast, pinapple juice with a greens supplement
Snack: rice cakes with almond butter and agave, mandarine
Dinner: salad with chicken, avocado, rukula, cucumber, olives, pear, seeds, bell pepper; apple sauce with berry puree

Results so far:
Weight is up a half a kilo. Start measures were done around 11am where as now we're doing remeasures and pictures in the evenings so that half kilo is probably an actual loss of a half kilo.

Measures keep changing but in general shoulders, biceps, and calves (iik!) are bigger while hips, thighs, and chest (double iiik!) are getting smaller. Waist and ab are still more of less the same. Ideally I would like shoulders, biceps, and chest (a girl can dream) bigger and thighs, calves, hips, and ab smaller. A visible sixpack without flexing would be great. :) So, I need to drop at least 3-4% body fat while gaining some muscle.

What do you think, can I do it in 28 days?


Day 3 - Pics and Measurements


Weight: 76 kg (- 0.5 kg)
Shoulders: 118.5 cm
Chest: 98 cm (+ 2,5 cm)
Waist (navel): 83.5 cm (+ 1 cm)
Hips (glutes): 96 cm
Bíceps: 34.5 (R)
34.5 (L)
Gluteal fold: 58.5 (R) (-0.5 cm)
57.2 (L) (-1 cm)
Thigh: 57.5 (R) (+ 0.5 cm)
58 (L) (+ 1 cm)
Calf: 35 (R) (+0.5 cm)
35 (L)


Weight: 60.8 kg (-600 gr)
Shoulders: 98 cm (+ 2 cm)
Chest: 83.5 cm (- 1 cm)
Waist (navel): 75 cm
Hips (glutes): 93 cm (- 0.5 cm)
Bíceps: 27 (R) (+ 0.5 cm)
27 (L) (+ 0.5 cm)
Gluteal fold: 58 (R)
57.5 (L)
Thigh: 54 (R) (- 1 cm)
54 (L) (- 0.5 cm)
Calf: 38 (R) (+ 1 cm)
37.5 (L) (+0.5 cm)

Day 3 - Català

Avui ha estat un dia dur. Només portem dos dies d'entrenament i el cansament i el dolor muscular és intens... Si no fos perquè la il·lusió d'aconseguir el què ens hem proposat serà més gran que el dolor que sentim ara ho deixaríem córrer. Reconec que els entrenaments són més "heavies" del què em pensava... Bé, ja se sap, tot costa esforç i sacrifici sinó no ho valoraríem :)

M'he aixecat amb molt dolor a les espatlles (ahir les sèries d'espatlles van ser infernals) i em pensava que no podria anar a entrenar ja que no podia girar el volant del cotxe per sortir del garatge.

Un cop al gimnàs i després d'escalfar m'he anat sentint millor. L'entrenament d'avui era cames, pectoral, dorsal i abdominals. Dit així sembla poca cosa però s'ha fet llarg (temps aprox. 1 hora 30 min). Fins i tot les últimes 4 sèries de 40 abdominals he hagut de posar la cançó de Rocky al mp3 per motivar-me "Pa pa papappapaapa, pa papa pa pap apap ..."

Bé, ara dutxa i cap a treballar. Gràcies a deu que avui no he de fer cap classe a Fitness Integral. Ahir saltant quasi em moro!


Esmorzar: cereals finlandesos amb fruits secs
Snack: batut de fruites
Dinar: Amanida variada (ou dur, enciam, rúcula, anxoves, olives, abocat, tomata, cogombre...), un filet de panga (peix) i 2 mandarines.
Snack: mató amb compota de pera, llevadura de cervesa i nous
Sopar: amanida, pasta sense gluten amb tonyina i kiwi.

Day 3 - English


I am suuuuper tired from today's workout.

Thankfully Xavi was there to motivate me. At one point he did tell me that if I didn't put some more weight on the bar I shouldn't be wearing a shirt with a Fitness Integral logo... He was right, I was able to lift more and finished the set with 4 more kilos.

The workout was incredibly brutal. The hardest workout I have probably ever done. I think my arms doubled in size from being so pumpped up. I was able to do some full chinups which made me proud. Still no where near full sets of chin ups. If I want to be like GI Jane, I better improve my pullups and learn how to do 1 arm pushups. :)

We did superset of legs which included squats, lunges, and squatjumps. Auch! Today also included a total of 10x10 for bench press split into different super sets with back.

This program is the first time I have done windmills. I like them. :) Started first day with 6kg to get the technique down and today did sets with 14kg. Cool.

Later I had a hard time demonstrating exercises for a circuit group. Tomorrow I'm not sure I will be able to move. Had to use the elevator today too...

BF: rye porridge, apple sauce, walnuts, greens supplement
Snack: walnuts, 2 mandarins, 1/2 apple
Lunch: salad with avocado, sardines, cucumber, tomato, olives, 1 egg; panga fish
Snack: oat milk with bambu
Dinner: salad, gluten free pasta with tuna


Day 2: Pics and Measurements


Weight: 76.5 kg
Shoulders: 118.5 cm
Chest: 95.5 cm
Waist (navel): 83.5 cm
Hips (glutes): 96 cm
Bíceps: 34.5 (R), 34.5 (L)
Gluteal fold: 59 (R), 58.2 (L)
Thigh: 57 (R), 57 (L)
Calf: 34.5 (R), 35 (L)


Weight: 61.4 kg
Shoulders: 96 cm
Chest: 84.5 cm
Waist (navel): 75 cm
Hips (glutes): 93.75 cm
Bíceps: 26.5 (R), 26.75 (L)
Gluteal fold: 56.5 (R), 57.5 (L)
Thigh: 55 (R), 54.5 (L)
Calf: 37 (R), 37 (L)

Dia 2 - Català


M’he aixecat amb una mica de mal de coll. Hhmmm... M’he pres unes boletes homeopàtiques pels refredats i m’he netejat les vies nassals amb aigua i sal. Espero que m’ajudi a no caure malalta... ara no m’ho puc permetre :s

M’he aixecat força masegada de l’entrenament d’ahir. Normalment els cruiximents em surten al cap d’un parell de dies... ja veurem com estarem demà... ai, ai, ai!


No ha fet falta ni arribar al matí per adonar-me que tenia tot el cos cruixit... m’he despertat unes quantes vegades ja que cada vegada que em girava el mal de cames i d’esquena em feia veure les estrelles. Quan m’he hagut d’aixecar m’he adonat que estava millor del què m’esperava. A mesura que anava passant el dia però m’anava encarcarant i els cruiximents anaven creixent, tot i això he pogut entrenar ja que el que em feia mal eren les cames i l’esquena... l’entrenament d’avui eren espatlles i braços. Això vol dir que demà no podré moure res!!!

-Esmorzar: compota casolana de poma amb formatge fresc i un grapat de nous
-snack: 2 prunes, grapat de fruts secs
-Dinar: amanida variada, puré de pastanaga amb arròs integral, un tros de peix.
-snack: 1 poma, suc de fruites
-Sopar: Hummus amb torradetes d'un pa raro sense farina, truita amb xampinyons i trossets de pernil de pavo, un tros de peix, 2 mandarines

Day 2 - English

Woke up with a slight sore throat. Hhmmm... Downed some vits, did a sinus "bath", and took a homeopathic cold remedy. Plan on keeping this bug from taking over.

Definitely have some soreness today. I'm usually a 2nd day DOMS girl.

BF: 2x natural yogurt, applesauce (home made), oats, brewer's yeast, walnuts
Lunch: carrot, onion, pink lentil soup, brown rice, panga fish, kiwi
Snack: pistaccios, queso fresco + agave, veggie/fruit juice
Dinner: hummus on rye cracker, carrot-onion-lentil soup, panga fish

The workout wasn't too bad compared to yesterday's and compared to tomorrows! Just shoulders and arms. I must say typing this is a bit difficult... Part of the workout were a total of 100 bicep curls as part of supersets... I'm already feeling those.

Tomorrow's workout looks like HELL! Lots of legs and I think it will take at least 90min...

Going to bed. This program is leaving me super tired.


Day 1: Pics and Measurements


Weight: 76,5 kg
Shoulders: 118.5 cm
Chest: 95.5 cm
Waist (navel): 83.5 cm
Hips (glutes): 96 cm
Bíceps: 34.5 (R), 34.5 (L)
Gluteal fold: 59 (R), 58.2 (L)
Thigh: 57 (R), 57 (L)
Calf: 34.5 (R), 35 (L)


Weight: 60.6 kg
Shoulders: 96 cm
Chest: 84.5 cm
Waist (navel): 75 cm
Hips (glutes): 93.75 cm
Bíceps: 26.5 (R), 26.75 (L)
Gluteal fold: 56.5 (R), 57.5 (L)
Thigh: 55 (R), 54.5 (L)
Calf: 37 (R), 37 (L)

Dia 1- Català

Avui la Kaisa I jo hem començat el compte enrere, tenim 28 dies per millorar els nostres cossos. Com? Sotmetent-los a entrenaments intensos i seguint una dieta extremadament saludable sense productes refinats, ni gluten i sense sucre!!! Aquest petits sacrificis ens han de permetre eliminar greix i estimular el creixement muscular. Estem segurs que tot aquest patiment valdrà la pena.Ara us podeu preguntar... què els hi ha picat per fer això? Doncs, la veritat és que estem participant en un projecte d’un dels millors entrenadors personals del Regne Unit, Dax Moy, que vol comercialitzar el seu sistema d’entrenament i necessita gent que faci els seus entrenaments per demostrar que funciona. Vosaltres sereu els testimonis de la nostra transformació i podreu jutjar si aquest programa d’entrenament intensiu funciona.

L’entrenament d’avui, tot i estar acostumats a fer exercici regularment, ens ha deixat fets caldo. No podem revelar els detalls dels entrenaments però us podem dir que hem maxacat pectoral, dorsals, lumbars, isquiotibials i abdominals. La kaisa ha tardat uns 65 minuts i jo uns 85 minuts (ja que he fet servir pesos més alts i necessitava una mica més de recuperació que ella). Un cop hem acabat ens hem hagut d’ajudar un a l’altre per baixar les escales i obrir la porta del cotxe!Després de l’entrenament hem anat a dinar a casa la meva mare, celebràvem l’aniversari de la Kaisa. Quan ha arribat el moment d’obrir els regals a la Kaisa encara li tremolaven els braços.

Ara només pensem a anar a dormir aviat i poder-nos recuperar per poder-hi tornar demà. Uffff!!!

Day 1 - English

GI Jane Experiment has started!

Today Xavi and I got sweating toward our new and improved bodies.

We are guineapigs for Dax Moy's "Muscle in a Month" program with a goal of increasing lean mass and decreasing fat %. It is a super intense 28 day program based on a principle of planned overtraining. We will be finishing grueling workouts daily, following his Elimination Diet, and paying special attention to recovery and regeneration strategies.

Did starting measurements and the dreaded before pictures. Pasty white... And how can I have bigger calves than Xavi!? I'm hoping to lose some fat from there in these 28 days.

Today's workout was a definite shock to the body. For the last year or two I have been following a maintenance plan of twice a week full body circuits that lasted less than an hour. Xavi has been doing 3 times per week hypertrophy for the last half a year.

The actual workouts are top secret but I can disclose that we hit chest, back, hams, and core and did what seemed like an endless series of supersets. It was exhausting! We did a full 15 min warmup of activation exercises to prepare and then the actual workout took me 65 min (Xavi spent 85min) plus another 15min of recovery exercises. Haven't workout that long in a gym for a while! At the end even my eyelids were trembling.

Then we went to my birthday lunch with Xavi's family and his darling mom made an Elimination Diet approved 5 course meal. I was so wiped out from the workout that pouring water was difficult...

Today's diet:
Bfast: natural yogurt, banana, pineapple, kiwi
Lunch: Course 1: salad, cooked eggplant, onion, red bellpepper, goat cheese
Course 2: brown rice, chicken, veggies all in a delicious paella style dish
Course 3: papaya
Course 4: "cheese cake" made with "fresh" cheese (low fat), corn meal, and agave
Course 5: green tea
Snack: rye crackers and home made hummus
Dinner: quinoa, peas, red bell pepper, tuna, homemade apple sauce for dessert

Going to bed early to aid recovery. :)